Pet-Friendly workouts - Exercises you can do with your dog

Pet-Friendly workouts - Exercises you can do with your dog

Working out with your dog is a fun and effective way to stay fit while bonding with your furry friend. Dogs need regular exercise just like humans, and combining your workout routine with their playtime can be beneficial for both of you. Here are some pet-friendly exercises that will help you and your dog stay active, healthy, and happy together.

 1. Warm-up walks

Start your workout with a brisk walk around the neighbourhood or park. Walking is a great way to warm up your muscles and get your dog's energy flowing. Aim for at least 10-15 minutes of walking to get your heart rate up and prepare for more intense exercises.


  • Low-impact cardio for both you and your dog.
  • Helps to build a stronger bond with your pet.
  • Reduces stress and promotes mental well-being.

2. Jogging and running

If your dog is full of energy and enjoys a faster pace, consider jogging or running together. Start with shorter distances and gradually increase as both you and your dog build stamina. Ensure that the surface is safe for your dog’s paws and avoid running in extreme heat.


  • Improves cardiovascular health.
  • Burns calories and helps maintain a healthy weight.
  • Increases endurance and stamina.

3. Fetch with a twist

Take the classic game of fetch to the next level by adding your own exercises. While your dog runs to retrieve the ball, you can do squats, lunges, or push-ups. This keeps both of you moving and adds variety to your workout.


  • Enhances agility and coordination for your dog.
  • Incorporates strength training for you.
  • Keeps the game exciting and engaging for both of you.

4. Tug-of-war

Tug-of-war is an excellent upper body workout for you and a fun game for your dog. Use a sturdy rope or tug toy and engage in a friendly battle. Remember to let your dog win occasionally to keep them motivated and happy.


  • Strengthens your arms, shoulders, and core.
  • Provides mental stimulation for your dog.
  • Encourages healthy play and releases pent-up energy.

5. Doggy obstacle course

Set up a mini obstacle course in your back garden or a nearby park. Use cones, tunnels, and jumps to create a fun and challenging course for your dog. Run alongside your dog, guiding them through the obstacles while you perform jumps, sprints, or other dynamic movements.


  • Improves your dog’s agility and coordination.
  • Offers a full-body workout for you.
  • Promotes teamwork and enhances the bond with your pet.

6. Cool down and stretch

Finish your workout with a cool-down session. Walk slowly to bring your heart rate down and allow your dog to relax. Incorporate some gentle stretching exercises to improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.


  • Aids in muscle recovery.
  • Prevents injury and improves flexibility.
  • Provides a calming end to your workout.

Tips for a safe and enjoyable workout

  • Hydration: Keep water available for both you and your dog, especially during intense activities.
  • Safety: Ensure the environment is safe and free from hazards. Check for hot pavement or rough terrain that might harm your dog's paws.
  • Pacing: Pay attention to your dog's signals. If they seem tired or uninterested, take a break or slow down.
  • Health Check: Consult with your vet before starting any new exercise routine to ensure your dog is fit for physical activity.

Working out with your dog is a wonderful way to enhance your fitness routine while spending quality time with your pet. These pet-friendly exercises are designed to keep both you and your furry friend healthy and happy. So grab your leash, lace up your trainers, and get ready for a fun-filled workout with your four-legged companion!

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